Who Arrested and Killed Jesus? Setting the Record Biblically Straight

Steppes of Faith
8 min readJun 21, 2024

“But they cried out all the more, ‘Crucify Him!’” (Mark 15:14)

It has become a common controversial topic among believers and non-believers alike — who killed Jesus? And, for that matter, who arrested Him, the Romans or the Jews? People have arguments assigning blame and, sometimes, subsequent contempt toward either group, especially the Jews.

As always, believers should not take such arguments at face value but compare them to the truth of God’s word. What does the Bible say about this pivotal historical event? Was the group that arrested Him the same ones who had Him crucified?

The Gospel of John is the basis for the argument about who arrested Jesus, beginning when Judas betrays Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

“Then Judas, having received a detachment of troops and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, came there with lanterns, torches, and weapons.”

Those who support the belief that the Romans arrested Jesus point to the phrase in verse three, “a detachment of troops.” Here, a detachment refers to a group of Roman soldiers. It can include up to 1,000 men in times of war but was often about 200–600 men otherwise. Ordinarily, the Roman military stationed them at Caesarea, but they were routinely sent to…



Steppes of Faith

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